It's no secret that I'm a big lady. Fat. It took me a while to embrace my current body. Honestly, with the help of this blog and with so much encouragement from my family and friends and YOU, I've finally got it. But I do realize that at some point I need to be concerned about my health. Especially, at my age. I mean, I don't know about you, but I'm trying to live a long ass life.
Growing up, my weight has always fluctuated. Up and down, up and down. The smallest I've ever been was a size 8/10. And that was during my stay in Nigeria (For those that don't know, I lived in Nigeria for 4 years. High school years. It was an experience.) But once I came back to the States, my weight spiked. My feet started swelling. Annoying. A couple years back I decided to pipe down and start exercising. I had a couple of gym partners, a couple of cute trainers. I was hitting the gym 5x/wk. Eating right. The whole works. Within a year I lost 50+ pounds. I went from a 22 to a 16. A few obstacles came my way, I stumbled and within the past year and a half, I've pretty much gained half of the weight back. I'm now a 18/20. Actually, I'm a 20.
I've decided to, once again, get back on track. Sometimes you need a bit of blogger inspiration (My main one was Brittany of Pockets and Bows.). Sometimes you need a bit of monetary motivation and it came right on time with the BLM Get Fit challenge. It was $10 to participate and the challenge started this past Monday. Even though it has 'BLM' attached to it, anyone can participate! It will end on April 7th. That's 3 months. Whoever loses the most percentage of weight will win the money pot. Of course, once April 7th hits I'll still continue, win or lose. I have a set goal of how many pounds I would like to lose. Once I reach that goal, if I like how I look and feel, I'll maintain the weight. If I don't, I'll keep going until I'm satisfied with how I look. That's it.
There will be weekly fun mini-challenges in between that will be done via Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc. This week challenge was to show how much water you will drink within the week. The hashtag is #wasterwasted. Creativity is key. So, I decided to form my love for the group with the help of the 24ct water bottle package I bought from Giant:
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Regarding my blog, I may document my progress on here. I may not. We shall see. I just realized that you'll be seeing my progress through my photos. Duh. That may be all the documentation needed. Also, it'll be a great way to call me out if you see no progress. Like, "Vivi, you still look the same after 3 months. womp, womp."