Everything was looking all fine and dandy until 4:15pm hit. That's when Mother Nature decided to unleash its' fury onto the DC area. Straight up monsoon outside, yo. Even my location was under a tornado warning for 30mins. TORNADO. WARNING. I have never experienced a tornado and I really,
really do not want to experience a tornado. Nah. Mother Nature can keep that. Having been through an earthquake (No matter how weak it was to the rest of the States - I'm looking at you, Californians - that shit was scary!) and a tropical storm, all in a matter of one month in '11, is enough for moi.
Showing off my NPR tattoo.
Bodysuit/Belt: ASOS Curve, Skirt: Thrift, Bag: New Look via ASOS, Necklace: Avenue, Watch: Charming Charlie |
Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. The storm. After 30mins of outside looking like Doomsday, everything cleared up and it honestly looked like nothing happened. I was happy because I had a great Thursday evening planned out and would have been totally bummed if it didn't come to pass because of the weather. First up was the NPR Open House. My blogger friend and namesake, Oby, works at NPR and granted me and
Brea guest passes to enjoy a tour of their new building in DC. The NPR folks went all out with this event. I had such a great time and I kept telling Oby after each floor we visited (seven in total) that I was having fun who, in return, was
relieved dumbfounded weirded-out happy that I was totally geeking out over a building.
Me, Brea, Oby |
Later on, Brea and I hit up
Revenge Wears Prada event held at the P.O.V. Lounge inside the W Hotel. Besides getting to purchase the new book from the author of, of course,
Devil Wears Prada, we got the opportunity to briefly meet said author, Lauren Weisberger, as she signed our books. Guests also enjoyed signature cocktails, fashion displays from Bloomingdale's, and beauty stations from IPSA and Nars. Finally, we were told to register our looks at Dress Your Guests for a chance to win a $500 gift card from Bloomingdale's.
Clearly, me, Waverly, Trisha and Brea are __________________.
To view more photos of the event click
here and