A Quickie

I started a new job recently and in my head I thought I was gonna give you guys almost daily posts of my work outfits. 


U.S. Botanic Garden

dc style blogger

Call this the "Appearance of the Missing Post".

My laptop has been out of commission for almost 2 months. I can be very indecisive, so it took me almost a month to go back and forth between getting a new laptop or going to one of these geek places and getting it fixed. I went with the latter. And now, my baby is back! Thanks to GeekABC.

This post was meant to go up around October/November of last year. Around that time, I totally forgot and then when I finally wanted to post it, my laptop started acting funny and then blah, blah, blah...yakitty, yakitty...and here we are.

I received an e-mail from Jerrita of Glam Soup that she wanted to interview me about my style. iBlushed. Per my suggestion, we decided to meet up at U.S. Botanic Garden. This place is beyond gorgeous. And if I recall, the weather that day was just delightful! I brought my sister and cousin along, too, for support.

Filling out Glam Soup's fun questionnaire.

Jumping cousins.

Until next time...

I Can't...

These guys, that'll be the Pentatonix, just did the unthinkable - they made me like a Rihanna song.


This dress is not new on this blog.

La Petite Marmoset One Year Anniversary

dc plus size lifestyle

Event: La Petite Marmoset 1st Year Anniversary
Where: Tabaq

It's Beautiful Day!

Usually I do an outfit post of what I wore to an event...but not this time around. Why? Because what I wore ain't nothing to rave about. I do like the print of the 'dress' (skirt worn as a dress) so chances are you will see a future outfit post with that item.

Shecky's Girls Night Out

Peace to Shecky's

Event: Shecky's Girls Night Out
Where: DAR Constitution Hall

Summary: Last night, I attended the 11th Annual Shecky's Girls Night Out. This was not my first time attending Shecky's GNO. It wasn't my 2nd time, either. Nope, this will be my 3rd time! Shecky's Girls Night Out is for the ladies to check out great designers, sip on free drinks, get your hair styled, your nails did and indulge yourself in some serious pampering. The highlight of the event is the swag bag, or as they call it, Goodie Bag. This bag is filled to.the.brim with items from the event's sponsors.

Goodie Bag
1) Astro Glide Personal Lubricant 2) ImPress Press-on Manicure 3) SoftLips Lip Tint/Sunscreen
4) Luna Protein Mint Chocolate Chip 5) Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion with Sunscreen
6) La Croix Peach-Pear Sparkling Water (2x) 7) The Body Shop Rainforest Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner
8) Miss Jessie's Super Sweetback Treatment 9) The Body Shop Nutriganics Smoothing Serum and Day Cream 
10) The Body Shop Spa Wisdom Africa Shea Butter and Sesame Oil Body Balm 
11) Lady Speed Stick Fresh Infusions 12) The Body Shop Love, Etc Parfum sample
12) The Body Shop Dreams Unlimited Fragrance Sample

I went with Jennifer and Shakirah aka Shakes. We had a pretty good time. The only slight was that inside the Hall was hot. And I mean the kind of hot that once you enter you WILL be sweating. It didn't matter what you had on. You WILL be sweating. Funny enough, even the last two events were like that, too. I just don't understand why the Hall couldn't just crank up the air conditioner and then allow our packed bodies to provide the heat. *chuckles* Anybody that knows me knows that I can't stand heat. I sweat really easily. Ugh.

Anywho, I had a blast meeting new designers/entrepreneurs and getting to know their products. I had such a blast that I was taking so many pictures. Yeah, that was my little way of saying that this post is going to be picture heavy.

This is what I called the Cool-Down section.
Two separate (FREE!) bars were set up. One for beers and wine coolers, the other for mixed drinks.

Cute little pink pop-up dressing rooms were position in each vendor that were selling clothes.
Jewelry Bar
Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie are known to have rocked jewelry from this company.

Loved how she offset the neon skirt with black and brown. 

Have fun and enjoy!

Nayaz Accessories Boutique
Shazia (l), CEO of Couture Mafia

Nicky B's

Jewelry by Tiffany

Owner of Ear Candy Accessories, Modupe aka Duce